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Coverts[]The Coverts are alternate versions of Jigsaws, and the main antagonists of Five Nights at Treasure Island: The Breaking The Magic Series. They also resemble Disneyland characters and they must be repelled by strobing the lights, shutting off a camera, by hiding under the table/desk, turning away from them, shine them with the flashlight, or by shutting off the power in order the survive, because if you don't avoid them, they will make you suffer through pain and get their hands on you. Covert/Wax Mickey[]Covert Mickey is a damaged wax version of the Iconic Suit Photo-Negative Mickey from Five Nights at Treasure Island, he is a dark photo-negative color he has human-like eyeballs in his sockets. He also is missing his nose and a piece of his ear is damaged, having a explosion rip on it. Disturbingly, he appears to have a much more dusty and a dirty texture look added.
Covert Magrolomouse[]He's a normal-looking Mickey Mouse suit from the 1929's toons, and appears to be a similar overall to Jigsaw Willy. But is having a much more dusty look, having less-coloring textures, and has classic Mickey Mouse features, such as classic shoes, buckled pants, smaller ears and eyes. But has a mouth curling open. Occasionally has torn-like eyes.
Covert Donald[]Covert Donald, also known as Covert Disembodied, and is portrayed to his original self, and his appearance resembles to Disembodied from Five Nights at Treasure Island, but the expectation about his appearance is that he has a somewhat dusty/dirty look, compared to other covert suits, and he also has dirty, brown eyes, which they have small rips on them.
Covert Oswald[]Covert Oswald is another unfinished Oswald costume suit, He appears as the original Dark Oswald, but has lots of changes, he has dark colors, and has the lack of arms, and has beige circles around his ears, he seems to be melted and having a dirty/dusty look, he seems to be burnt mostly, and has the same melted overalls, he has a damage rip at his right eye that's missing, he has a teal ooze in his mouth, and has one white-glowing eye in his left eye-hole.